Tom and Cody’s love for hunting.
At the age of 31, I underwent a back surgery to correct a problem I had been dealing with from age 15. At the time of the surgery I had a 2 year old chocolate lab named Cody. He loved to hunt and I promised him if he helped me recover, I would take him to South Dakota to hunt pheasant every year. We went that fall with me in a back brace and every fall for the rest of his life.
We even flew from Alaska to hunt pheasants in South Dakota.
Ptarmigan hunting in Alaska with Cody, 1997. Other bird hunting opportunities such as ducks, geese, and spruce grouse can be found in the Alaskan remote wilderness.
My wife is a city girl from a foreign country where guns are only owned by law enforcement. When she met me and found out that I hunted, she took it on herself to learn how to shoot. She “hunted” down a competitive clay shooter and took lessons from him. On return to the US, she was game enough to go hunting with me.
My wife’s first pheasant hunt in Kansas with me, Amigo, 2004. We hunted walk-in areas in western Kansas. Kansas has a large walk-in access program where private land is open to public hunting.
Tom’s back pain lead him to ultimately to find a replacement for his hunting/outdoor back pack. That led to his own invention of the Cody Hunt Training belt … and is now available from this website!